Our Workshops

Music Production in the Forest

Why sit in a dingy basement, when you can learn in the great outdoors, connecting you with your natural environment, where you can relax as you learn.


Welcome to The Forest Sounds Workshops

The forest sounds will hold a series of 6 week workshops, one day a week, for 5 hours of intense music production learning. These workshops will look deeply into certain aspects of music production and at the end the course, you will have an in depth understanding of some of the central and pivotal aspects of music production and how to produce radio worthy music. Our first gigs will be happening in SE london! And we are thinking weekends! Unless a number of people who register their interest specify otherwise.

These workshops will encompass music production in the context of the global environmental crises we all face; thinking about and employing, energy renewable methods to carry out our work. We will respect our environments and leave no trace at the end of each session. This practice shall be realised in the depths of British woodland; as learners are tantalised and inspired by their natural surroundings. Participants will be taken on a sound journey, under a gazebo over the weeks and will have produced, at the end of it, a radio worthy song.


We will also run, at least one intensive weekend course, in each woodland where free childcare is provided. Children will be inspired by music sessions too. In this way we will be serving the single working class parents who are massively under-represented in the music production. industry. Once you have registered your interest, check your mail for confirmed dates and locations!

Book Your place

To book your place, email us at wearetheforestsounds@gmail.com